Thursday, December 18, 2008

The 'Uncontacted'

It's almost unthinkable that there still are still "uncontacted" people out there. People that may not even know that at the edge of the jungle they live in there are other people.People that maybe don't even have a fully developed language.That,sadly enough may die from a tooth infection or even less... But then again,they probably live a better existence in so many ways. So less complicated. It may be a sexist community by our standards,but then again,if you don't know anything else,you can't see the faults in the only way of living you have ever known.
It still is a weird picture in 2008 : tribes who live at standards from 1000 years ago.
Why am I telling you this? Because this picture pretty much shocked me

This is one of the 'uncontacted' tribes in Brazil,who are shooting arrows as a surveillance plane that's flying over them.
I can only imagine what they thought that plane was,and I actually wonder what they believe in. God or Gods? I'd dare to suppose the latter,and maybe also suppose that they considered the flying thing they were aiming for some kind of supernatural beast.It surely is hard to live how they do,especially with possible beliefs of the sort. I mean ,anything and everything could be interpreted as a sign of rage of the gods ,and they may be led by fear.
Then again,how do you establish contact,and how do you explain to them that you wear shoes with plastic soles ,that you use communication devices and that you can fly in machines made out of one of the heaviest metals on earth,when they only defend themselves with rocks and spears?

There are more powerful things than science and information


CazStacey said...

Tell me about it, it's crazy right? To think that there are still people out living in such uncivilised conditions (but what with all the problems we have in todays world, what is civilisation exactly?)
To live like they do...we wouldn't survive. We're too dependant on technology and science. It's almost like we consider ourselves and the uncontacted complete aliens, even though we live on the same planet. We're completely the same, yet we live in such different ways...
It's mindboggling.

Joanna said...

we wouldn't survive for sure,but it's because we are used to other conditions. if we'd be born in one of those tribes we'd live a perfectly happy life.i'm sure they have comfort too,just a different one

Technology was the first thing that came to my mind,but then i realized it's a completely irrelevant factor.

the only thing i'd 'civilize' them with is medical care